
1) 'Leaf into Flame: John Burnside", The Riveraine Muse, vol. 1, no. 2 (Sep 2024), pp. 44-8.

2) 'In Cold Blood: A Modern Tragedy', emagazine: the magazine for Advanced Level English, 105 (Sep      24), pp. 28-31.

3) 'Narrative Prose - Significant Sentences', emagazine: the magazine for Advanced Level English, 100

     (Apr 2023), pp. 54-8.

4) 'On the Edge of Danger - Passing', emagazine: the magazine for Advanced Level English, 97 (Sep

     2022), pp. 4-7.

5) 'True Connection -Trauma and Joy in A Thousand Splendid Suns', emagazine: the magazine for             Advanced Level English, 96 (Apr 2022), pp. 26-9.

6) 'Beginnings, Middles and Ends: Sequence and Organization in Narrative', emagazine: the magazine       for Advanced Level English, 89 (Feb 2020), pp. 10-12.

7) 'Urban Space, Singularity and Networks in Laura Del-Rivo's The Furnished Room (1961)', American,     British and Canadian Studies, Special Issue: Literature and the City, vol, 34 (Jun 2020), pp. 26-48.

8) 'Composed in Clichés? Style in The Kite Runner', emagazine: the magazine for Advanced Level             English, 87 (Feb 2020), pp. 20-3.

9) 'Reading Round Gatsby', emagazine: the magazine for Advanced Level English, 86 (Dec 2019), pp.          49-51.

10) 'Recreating the Past – Historical and Neo-historical Fiction', emagazine: the magazine for                         Advanced Level English, 83 (Feb 2019), pp. 41-5.

11) 'Fighting Back: Documents, Modernity and Feminism in Dracula', emagazine: the magazine for               Advanced Level English, 81 (Sep 2018), pp. 36-8.

12) 'Realism, Naturalism and Modernism in the 19th and 20th-century Novel', emagazine: the                        magazine for Advanced Level English, 80 (Apr 2018), pp. 17-19.

13) 'A Plurality of Belongings: Tzvetan Todorov', PN Review 236, 43:6 (Jul-Aug 2017), pp. 30-1.

14) 'Competing Stories - A Short History of Literary Criticism in the Twentieth Century', emagazine: the        magazine for Advanced Level English, 76 (Apr 2017), pp. 34-7.

15) 'My Ántonia - Strong Women, Nostalgia and Progress', emagazine: the magazine for Advanced             Level English,75 (Feb 2017), pp. 44-6.

16) Grapes into Wine - Steinbeck's "We-centred Novel"', emagazine: the magazine for Advanced Level       English, 72 (Apr 2016), pp. 57-8.

17) 'A Question of Dialogue - Dialogue in the Novel', emagazine: the magazine for Advanced Level              English, 66 (Dec 2014), pp. 10-12.

18) 'Time in the Novel - You Can Repeat the Past', emagazine: the magazine for Advanced Level                   English, 63 (Feb 2014), pp. 13-17.

19) 'Huckleberry Finn - Voice, Identity, Race and Myth', emagazine: the magazine for Advanced Level          English, 59 (Feb 2013), pp. 38-41.

20) 'Migration, Vision and Community: The Great Gatsby and The Grapes of Wrath', emagazine:

       the magazine for Advanced Level English, 53 (Sep 2011), pp. 34-6.

21) 'The 19th-century Novel: Genre, Techniques and Themes', emagazine: the magazine for                         Advanced Level English, 52 (Apr 2011), pp. 52-5.

22) 'Information and Misinformation: Narrative Structure and Voice in The Great Gatsby',                                emagazine: the Magazine for Advanced Level English, 42 (Dec 2008), pp. 34-6.

23) 'Panoramic Sleights: Figures of Cinema in Literature’, PN Review 146, 28:6 (Jul-Aug 2002),                    pp. 17-21.

24) 'Assaults on Authority: B. S. Johnson’s Albert Angelo', Abraxas, 16 (2000), pp. 10-16.

25) 'Feelgood Fiction: The Novels of Graham Swift', Oxford Quarterly, 1:4/2:1 (Spring/Summer 1997),         pp. 37-41.

26) 'Uncancelled Challenge: The Work of Raymond Williams: Part IV', PN Review 73, 16:3 (1989),             pp. 45-50.

27) 'Uncancelled Challenge: The Work of Raymond Williams: Part III', PN Review 69, 16:1 (1989),

      pp. 43-8.

28) 'Uncancelled Challenge: The Work of Raymond Williams: Part II', PN Review 67, 15:5 (1989),

       pp. 32-41.

29) 'Uncancelled Challenge: The Work of Raymond Williams: Part I', PN Review 65, 15:3 (1988),

        pp. 36-43.‘

30) 'See B. S. Johnson Decently', Part 2, PN Review 58, 14:2 (1987), pp. 58-62.

31) 'See B. S. Johnson Decently', Part I, PN Review 57, 14:1 (1987), pp. 47-52.

32) 'The Truths of Lying: Albert Angelo', Review of Contemporary Fiction, 5:2 (Summer 1985),

       pp. 64-70.

33) 'Telling Life, Telling Death: The Unfortunates', Review of Contemporary Fiction, 5:2 (Summer 1985),        pp. 34-42.

34) 'Sartre/Barthes', PN Review 47, 12:3 (1985), pp. 14-20.

35) 'Post-Theory', PN Review 41, 11:3 (1984), pp. 28-9.

36) 'I’m Not Complaining: Q. D. Leavis and Women’s Estate', PN Review 38, 10:6 (1984), pp. 37-8.

37) 'The Politicization of English', PN Review 37, 10:5 (1984), pp. 12-14.

38) 'Never Trust The Critic', PN Review 32, 9:6 (1983), pp. 34-5.

39) 'Tristram of Lyonesse: Dangerous Voyage', Victorian Poetry, 20:2 (Summer 1982), pp. 97-111.


1) 'Vital Tradition' [Terry Eagleton, Critical Revolutionaries: Five Critics Who Changed the Way We Read], PN Review 269, 49:3 (Jan-Feb 2023).

2) 'Pearl of Great Price' [Marjorie Perloff, Infrathin: A Study in Micropoetics], PN Review 263, 48:3

    (Jan-Feb 2022), pp. 35-7.

3) 'System and Agon' [Harold Bloom, Take Arms Against a Sea of Troubles: The Power of the Reader's      Mind over a Universe of Death], PN Review 258, 47:4 (Mar-Apr 2021), pp. 45-7.

4) 'Paths Through the Labyrinth' [Daniel Weissbort and Astradur Eysteinsson (eds), Translation –              Theory and Practice], PN Review 174, 33:4 (Mar-Apr 2007), pp. 19-21.

5) 'Speaking Shards' [Stephen Burt, Randall Jarrell and His Age], PN Review 153, 30:1 (Sep-Oct 2003),      pp. 44-6.

6) 'The Scrying Game' [Marjorie Perloff, 21st-Century Modernism: The "New" Poetics], PN Review 144,        28:4 (Mar-Apr 2002), pp. 67-69.

7) 'Feast at the Spectres’ [Graham Robb, Rimbaud], PN Review 138, 27:1 (Mar-Apr 2001), pp. 65-8.

8) 'The Clamour of Babel' [George Steiner, Errata: An Examined Life], PN Review 119, 24:3 (Jan-Feb       1998), pp.34-5.

9) 'Loyalties and Entitlements' [Frank Kermode, Not Entitled: A Memoir; Fred Inglis, Raymond Williams],      PN Review 112, 23:2 (Nov-Dec 1996), pp. 63-6.

10) 'At the Harvard Club' [Helen Vendler, Soul Says: On Recent Poetry], PN Review 106, 22:2 (Nov-             Dec 1995), pp. 21-3.

11) 'Death of a Critic' [Harold Bloom, The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages], PN            Review 104, 21:6 (Jul-Aug 1995), pp. 38-41.

12) 'Lives of the Leavises' [‘The Leavis Legacy’ in The Cambridge Review; Ian MacKillop, F. R. Leavis:

      A Life in Criticism; G. Singh, F. R. Leavis: A Literary Biography], London Quarterly, 9 (Apr-May

     1996), pp. 18-20.

13) 'Intimations of Utopia' [Adrienne Rich, What is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics], PN

      Review 102, 21:4 (Mar-Apr 1995), pp. 38-41.

14) 'Death and Decipherment' [Louis Althusser, ‘L’avenir dure longtemps’ suivi de ‘Les faits’:

      Autobiographies; David Macey, The Lives of Michel Foucault], PN Review 94 (Nov-Dec 1993), 

     pp.  42-7.

15) 'New World Maps' [Edward W. Said, Culture and Imperialism], PN Review 93 (Sep-Oct 1993),

      pp. 12-15.

16) 'Contribution to "George Steiner’s Real Presences: Three Perspectives"' PN Review 73, 16:3

      (1989), pp. 20-2.

17) 'Critic of Crisis' [Mary Gluck, Georg Lukács and His Generation 1900-1918], PN Review 53, 13:3

      (1986), pp. 69-72.

18) 'Self, Society and Art' [Charles Altieri, Self and Sensibility in Contemporary American Poetry; Alan

      Williamson, Introspection and Contemporary Poetry; Frank Lentricchia, Criticism and Social

     Change; Christopher Brookeman, American Culture and Society since the 1930s; Peter Conrad,

     The Art of the City: Views and Versions of New York; Henry M. Sayre, The Visual Text of William

     Carlos Williams], PN Review 49, 12:5 (1986), pp. 35-7.

19) 'Rotten Reconstruction' [Laurence Lerner (ed.), Reconstructing Literature], PN Review 40, 11:2

      (1984), pp. 48-9.

20) 'Anti-Philosophers' [F. R. Leavis, The Critic as Anti-Philosopher, G. Singh (ed.) and Jonathan Culler,

      On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism], PN Review 33, 10:1 (1983), pp. 47-9.

21) 'Hegemony by Other Means' [Peter Widdowson (ed.), Re-Reading English], PN Review 30, 9:4 

      (1982), pp. 28-30.


1) ‘The Mechanical Bard’ [Mike Sharples and Rafael Pérez y Pérez, Story Machines: How Computers Have Become Creative Writers], PN Review 267, 49:1 (Sep-Oct 22), pp. 53-5.
2) ‘Questions from the Edge’ [Kate Kirkpatrick, Becoming Beauvoir: A Life; Peter Salmon, An Event, Perhaps; A Biography of Jacques Derrida], PN Review 262, 48:2 (Nov-Dec 2021), pp. 65-6.
3) ‘Fireflies and Field’ [Terence Cave, Thinking with Literature: Towards a Cognitive Criticism], PN Review 234, 43:4 (Mar-Apr 2017), pp. 54-5.
4) ‘Being and Neverness’ [Sean Ashton, Living in a Land], PN Review 232, 43:2 (Nov-Dec 2016), pp. 68-9.
5) ‘The Muse in Brains’ [Nikki Stillmann, The Lyric in the Age of the Brain], PN Review 232, 43:2 (Nov-Dec 2016), pp. 57-8.
6) ‘Harvest of a Lifetime’ [Jonathan Culler, Theory of the Lyric], PN Review 231, 43:1 (Sep-Oct 2016), pp. 62-3.
7) ‘Nutritious Images’ [Richard Bradford, The Importance of Elsewhere: Philip Larkin’s Photographs], PN Review 230, 42:6 (Jul-Aug 2016), pp. 90-1.
8) ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ [Gregory Woods, Homintern: How Gay Culture Liberated the Modern World]
 PN Review 230, 42:6 (Jul-Aug 2016), pp. 84-5.

9) ‘Vision and Vacuity’ [Harold Bloom, The Daemon Knows], PN Review 229, 42:5 (May-Jun 2016), pp. 82-3.
10) ‘Difficulties of Demarcation’ [Derek Attridge, The Work of Literature], PN Review 226, 42:2 (Nov-Dec 2015), pp. 76-7.
11) ‘Out of the Shadows’ [Wendy Pollard, Pamela Hansford Johnson: Her Life, Works and Times], PN Review 223, 41:5 (May-Jun 2015), pp. 61-2.
12) ‘A Strange, Tough Spirit’ [Stephen Medcalf, The Spirit of England: Selected Essays, Brian  Cummings and Gabriel Josipovici (eds)], PN Review 195, 37:1 (Sep-Oct 2010), pp. 58-9.
13) ‘Failure of Engagement’ [Adam Kirsch, The Modern Element: Essays on Contemporary Poetry], PN Review 182, 34:6 (Jul-Aug 2008), p. 74.
14) ‘Love Song to Larkin’ [John Osborne, Larkin, Ideology and Critical Violence: A Case of Wrongful Conviction], PN Review 181, 34:5 (May-Jun 2006), pp. 63-4.
15) ‘The Professor of Desire’ [George Steiner, Lessons of the Masters: The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures 2002-2003], PN Review 156, 30:4 (Mar-Apr 2004), pp. 56-7.
16) ‘Seeing Where We Stand’ [Robert Hampson and Tony Davenport (eds), Ford Madox Ford: A Reappraisal; Sara Haslam, Fragmenting Modernism: Ford Madox Ford, the Novel and the Great War], PN Review 154, 30:2 (Nov-Dec 2003), pp. 65-6.
17) ‘Not Enough’ [Peter McDonald, Serious Poetry: Form and Authority from Yeats to Hill], PN Review 152, 29:6 (Jul-Aug 2003), pp. 79-80.
18) ‘Voicing the Silence’ [Peter Abbs, Selected Poems], PN Review 150, 29:4 (Mar-Apr 2003), p. 76.
19) ‘Core of the Wound’ [Maeve Brennan, The Philip Larkin I Knew], PN Review 150, 29:4 (Mar-Apr 2003), p. 69.
20) ‘Valediction: Forbidding Mourning’ [Christine Brooke-Rose, Invisible Author: Last Essays], PN Review 148, 29:2 (Nov-Dec 2002), pp. 56-7.
21) ‘The Matter of Art’ [Peter de Bolla, Art Matters], PN Review 146, 28:6 (Jul-Aug 2002), pp. 68-9.
22) ‘Last Orders’ [Anthony Easthope, Privileging Difference, Catherine Belsey (ed.)], PN Review 145, 28:5 (May-Jun 2002), pp. 59-60.
23) ‘An Elegy for Tragedy’ [Felicity Rosslyn, Tragic Plots: A New Reading from Aeschylus to Lorca], PN Review 140, 27:6 (Jul-Aug 2001), pp. 56-7.
24) ‘Harrowing Holes’ [J. Hillis Miller, Black Holes; Manuel Asensi, J. Hillis Miller; or, Boustrophedonic Reading, trans. Mabel Richart], PN Review 134, 26:6 (Jul-Aug 2000), pp. 65-7.
25) ‘Damning with Great Praise’ [Perry Anderson, The Origins of Postmodernity; Fredric Jameson, The Cultural Turn: Selected Writings on the Postmodern, 1983-1988], PN Review 130, 26:2 (Nov-Dec 1999), pp. 80-2.
26) ‘Who’s We?’ [Nicholas Boyle, Who Are We Now? Christian Humanism and the Global Market from Hegel to Heaney], PN Review 126, 25:4 (Mar-Apr 1999), pp. 67-8.
27) ‘Peace or a Sword’ [Frank Cioffi, Wittgenstein on Freud and Frazer], PN Review 124, 25:2  (Nov-Dec 1998), p. 72.
28) ‘Transgressions and Thresholds’ [Suzanne Guerlac, Literary Polemics: Bataille, Sartre, Valéry, Breton], PN Review 120, 24:4 (Mar-Apr 1998), pp. 60-2.
29) ‘Vital Corpus’ [Gary Day, Re-Reading Leavis: ‘Culture’ and Literary Criticism], PN Review 116, 23:6 (Jul-Aug 1997), pp. 53-4.
30) ‘Pleasure, Gender, Writing’ [Formations of Pleasure, Formations Editorial Board (ed.)], PN Review 41, 11:3 (1984), pp. 63-4.
31) ‘Inside the Whale’ [Donald Wesling and Tadeusa Slawek, Literary Voice: The Calling of Jonah], PN Review 111, 23:1 (Sep-Oct 1996), p. 72.
32) ‘Metropolitan Myopia’ [Robert Crawford, Devolving English Literature], PN Review 91, 19:5 (May-Jun 1993), pp. 71-2.
33) ‘Cox and Cox’ [Brian Cox, The Great Betrayal: Memoirs of a Life in Education], PN Review 90, 19:4 (Mar-Apr 1993), pp. 48-50.
34) ‘Love in the Ruins’ [Glyn Maxwell, Out of the Rain; Tony Flynn, Body Politic; Linda France, Red; Jeremy Reed, Red-Haired Android; Peter Robinson, Leaf-Viewing], London Review of Books, 14:19 (8 Oct 1992).
35) ‘Modern Tragedy’ [Perry Anderson, English Questions; A Zone of Engagement], PN Review 87, 19:1 (Sep-Oct 1992), pp. 66-70.
36) ‘Uncertainties of the Poet’ [Simon Armitage, Kid; John Burnside, Feast Days; Ben Okri, An African Elegy; Colin Falck, Memorabilia; Wendy Cope, Serious Concerns], London Review of Books, 14:12 (25 Jun 1992), pp. 22-3.
37) ‘New Literary Histories’ [Elizabeth A. Marsland, The Nation’s Cause: French, English and German Poetry of the First World War; Adrian Caesar, Dividing Lines: Poetry, Class and Ideology in the 1930s], PN Review 83, 18:3 (Jan-Feb 1992), pp. 54-6.
38) ‘Textual Harassment’ [Christine Brooke-Rose, Textermination; David Caute, The Women’s Hour; John Fuller, Look Twice], London Review of Books, 13:21 (7 Nov 1991), pp. 26-7.
39) ‘Theories, Stories and Ethics’ [Christine Brooke-Rose, Stories, Theories and Things; J. Hillis Miller, Theory Now and Then], PN Review 81, 18:1 (Sep-Oct 1991), pp. 60-3.
40) ‘Goodbye to Dada’ [Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism; Robert Hewison, Future Tense: A New Art for the Nineties], PN Review 80, 17:6 (Jul-Aug 1991), pp. 73-6.
41) ‘Parting with the Whole’ [Jean-Paul Sartre, Critique of Dialectical Reason: Volume Two, trans. Quintin Hoare; Robert Young, White Mythologies: Writing History and the West; Tony Bennett,  Outside Literature], PN Review 79 (May-Jun 1991), pp. 56-8.
42) ‘Pragmatic Protocols’ [Robert Scholes, Protocols of Reading; Paul B. Armstrong, Conflicting Readings: Variety and Validity in Interpretation], PN Review 78, 17:4 (Mar-Apr 1991), pp. 89-91.
43) ‘Seeing Yourself Dead’ [Andrew Motion, Love in a Life; Douglas Oliver, Three Variations on the Theme of Harm: Selected Poetry and Prose; John Eppel, Spoils of War; Brian Waltham, Music for Brass; Rosamund Stanhope, Lapidary], London Review of Books, 13:4 (21 Feb 1991), pp. 15-16.
44) ‘Magazine Montage’ [europe: revue littéraire mensuelle; Le courrier du centre internaional d’études poétiques: Trimestrial Poetry Review; Verse; Scripsi], PN Review 77, 17:3 (Jan/Feb 1991), pp. 69-71.
45) ‘The Twinings of Tradition’ [Stephen Bann, The True Vine: On Visual Representation and the Western Tradition; Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson; Robert D. Stock, The Flutes of Dionysus: Daemonic Enthralment in Literature], PN Review 77, 17:3 (Jan/Feb 1991), pp. 66-9.
46) ‘Rhetoric, Aesthetics, Poetics’ [Stanley Fish, Doing What Comes Naturally: Change, Rhetoric, and the Practice of Theory in Literary and Legal Studies; Terry Eagleton, The Ideology of the Aesthetic and The Significance of Theory; David Lodge, After Bakhtin: Essays on Fiction and Criticism], PN Review 76 (Nov/Dec 1990), pp. 61-4.
47) ‘In A Dry Place’ [C. H. Sisson, On the Look-Out: A Partial Autobiography; In Two Minds: Guesses at Other Writers], London Review of Books, 12:19 (11 Oct 1990), pp. 22-3.
48) ‘Endings and Beginnings’ [Bernard Bergonzi, Exploding English: Criticism, Theory, Culture; Ian Hunter, Culture and Government: The Emergence of Literary Education; Thomas Docherty, After Theory: Postmodernism/postmarxism], PN Review 75, 17:1 (Sep/Oct 1990), pp. 63-4.
49) ‘American Journals’ [New Criterion; Partisan Review; Sewanee Review; Hudson Review; Grand Street], PN Review 75, 17:1 (Sep/Oct 1990), pp. 61-2.
50) ‘Mergings and Margins’ [Daniel Gunn, Psychoanalysis and Fiction: An Exploration of Literary and Psychoanalytic Borders], PN Review 74, 16:6 (1990), pp. 52-3.
51) ‘Spiritual Materialism’ [Michael Edwards, Poetry and Possibility: A Study in the Power and Mystery of Words], PN Review 73, 16:5 (May-Jun 1990), pp. 58-60.
52) ‘Funerary Comebacks’ [Howard Davies, Sartre and ‘Les Temps Modernes’; Claude Francis and Fernande Gontier, Simone de Beauvoir, trans. Lisa Nesselson], PN Review 67, 15:5 (May-Jun 1989), pp. 52-4.
53) ‘Orthodoxy and After’ [Patrick Parrinder, The Failure of Theory: Essays on Criticism and Contemporary Fiction], PN Review 64, 15:2 (Nov-Dec 1988), pp. 63-5.
54) ‘Desire’ [Norman Bryson, Tradition and Desire: From David to Delacroix], Textual Practice, 1:1 (Spring 1987), pp. 107-11.
55) ‘Urbane Structuralist’ [John Sturrock, Structuralism], PN Review 60, 14:4 (Mar-Apr 1988), pp. 66-8.
56) ‘Desert of Discourse’ [Diane MacDonald, Theories of Discourse: An Introduction], PN Review 58, 14:2 (Nov-Dec 1987), p. 80.
57) ‘Tense Interpretations’ [Stephen Prickett, Words and ‘The Word’: Language, Poetics and Biblical Interpretation], PN Review 58, 14:2 (1987), pp. 76-8.
58) ‘Bad Mythology’ [Eva Figes, The Seven Ages], PN Review 54, 13:4 (Mar-Apr 1987), pp. 58-9.
59) ‘Ambiguous Order’ [Christopher Prendergast, The Order of Mimesis: Balzac, Stendhal, Nerval, Flaubert], PN Review 54, 13:4 (Mar-Apr 1987), pp. 53-4.
60) ‘Death of Fathers’ [Jean-Paul Sartre, The Freud Scenario, J.-B. Pontalis (ed.), trans. Quintin Hoare], PN Review 52, 13:2 (Nov-Dec 1986), pp. 54-5.
61) ‘Better Metafiction’ [Patricia Waugh, Metafiction: The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction], PN Review 51, 13:1 (Sep-Oct 1986), pp. 60-1.
62) ‘Well-clothed Orality’ [Writers at Work No. 6, George Plimpton (ed.)], Times Literary Supplement (2 Aug 1985), p. 858.
63) ‘Fantasy Function’ [Terry Eagleton, The Function of Criticism: From ‘The Spectator’ to Post-Structuralism], PN Review 47, 12:3 (Jan-Feb 1985), pp. 57-8.
64) ‘Between Two Worlds’ [The New Pelican Guide to English Literature: Vol. 8: The Present, Boris Ford (ed.); Society and Literature, Alan Sinfield (ed.)], PN Review 45, 12:1 (Sep-Oct 1985), pp. 72-3.
65) ‘Reading Magazines’, [Partisan Review; The New Criterion], PN Review 45, 12:1 (Sep-Oct 1985), pp. 11-13.
66) ‘Leavis Life and Times’ [The Leavises: Recollections and Impressions, Denys Thompson (ed.)], PN Review 44, 11:6 (Jul-Aug 1985), pp. 64-5.
67) ‘Deconstructive Diplomacy’ [Christopher Norris, The Deconstructive Turn], PN Review 44, 11:6 (Jul-Aug 1985), pp. 57-8.
68) ‘Radically Harmless’ [Fred Inglis, Radical Earnestness: English Social Theory 1880-1980], PN Review 43, 11:5 (May-Jun 1985), pp. 61-2.
69) ‘Really a Feminist’ [Alice Schwarzer, Simone de Beauvoir Today: Conversations 1972-78, trans. Marianne Howarth], PN Review 43, 11:5 (May-Jun 1985), pp. 56-7.
70) ‘Pimps and Missionaries’ [Chris Baldick, The Social Mission of English Criticism 1848-1932], PN Review 42, 11:4 (Mar-Apr 1985), pp. 67-8.
71) ‘Liberating Enthralment’ [A. D. Nuttall, A New Mimesis: Shakespeare and the Representation of Reality], PN Review 42 (Mar-Apr 1985), 11:4, pp. 66-7.
72) ‘Pleasure, Gender, Writing’ [Formations of Pleasure, Formations Editorial Board (ed.)], PN Review 41, 11:3 (1984), pp. 63-4.
73) ‘Secular Closure’ [Edward W. Said, The World, the Text, and the Critic], PN Review 41, 11:3 (Jan-Feb 1985), pp. 62-3.
74) ‘Reading Magazines’ [Temenos; Oxford Poetry; New Poetry from Oxford; The Cambridge Poetry Magazine; The Poet’s Voice; Label], PN Review 40, 11:2 (Nov-Dec 1984), pp. 9-10.
75) ‘No Laurel’ [Ore: W. E. Henley Special Issue; Poetry Wales: W. H. Davies Special Issue], PN Review 38, 10:6 (May-Jun 1984), pp. 61-2.
76) ‘In the Museum of Culture’ [Marshall Walker, The Literature of The United States of America; Larzer Ziff, Literary Democracy: The Declaration of Culture Independence in America; Jerome Loving, Emerson, Whitman and the American Muse; Alan Wald, The Revolutionary Imagination: The Poetry and Politics of John Wheelwright and Sherry Mangan; Charles Olson and Robert Creeley, The Complete Correspondence Volume 5; Harold Bloom, Agon: Towards a Theory of Revisionism], PN Review 38, 10:6 (May-Jun 1984), pp. 57-9.
77) ‘Reading Magazines’ [Gadfly; Literature and History; English; Between the Lines; Orbis; Present Tense; Grosseteste Review], PN Review 37, 10:5 (Mar-Apr 1984), pp. 6-7.
78) ‘Unstable Enchantments’ [David Packman, Vladimir Nabokov: The Structure of Literary Desire; Lucy Maddox, Nabokov’s Novels in English], Times Literary Supplement, 4,184 (10 Jun 1983), p. 608.
79) ‘Missing Body’ [Gabriel Josipovici, Writing and the Body; David Piper, The Image of the Poet: British Poets and their Portraits; Shelley on Love, Richard Holmes (ed.)], PN Review 35, 10:3 (Jan-Feb 1983), pp. 64-5.
80) 'Texts and Truth' [Michael Hamburger, The Truth of Poetry; Andre Brink, Mapmakers: Writing in a State of Siege] PN Review 34, 10:2 (Nov-Dec 1983), pp. 55-6. 
81)‘Understanding All, Doing Nothing’ [Tzvetan Todorov, Symbolism and Interpretation], PN Review 33, 10:1 (Sep-Oct 1983), pp. 71-2.
82) ‘Doubtful Harvests’ [W. W. Robson, The Definition of Literature; Dannie Abse, A Strong Dose of Myself; Paul Auster, The Art of Hunger and Other Essays; Ronald Blythe, From the Headlands], PN Review 33, 10:1 (Sep-Oct 1983), pp. 69-70.
83) ‘Disorder and Play’ [Theo Hermans, The Structure of Modernist Poetry and Sydney Lévy, The Play of the Text: Max Jacob’s Le Cornet à dés], PN Review 32, 9:6 (Jul-Aug 1983), pp. 63-4.
84) ‘Illusions of Literacy’ [Walter Ong, Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word], PN Review 31, 9:5 (May-Jun 1983), p. 76.
85) ‘Craft Without Compass’ [Allan Rodway, The Craft of Criticism], PN Review 31, 9:5 (1983), p. 74.
86) ‘Microcosm of Change?’ [Clark Hulse, Metamorphic Verse: The Elizabethan Minor Epic], PN Review 31, 9:5 (May-Jun 1983), pp. 73-4.
87) ‘Crayon Rides Again’ [Benjamin Lease, Anglo-American Encounters: England and the Rise of American Literature], PN Review 31, 9:5 (May-Jun 1983), p. 69.
88) ‘American Voices: Literary Magazines from the United States’, [American Poetry Review; Sulfur; Antaeus; Manhattan Review; Sewanee Review; Chicago Review; Kenyon Review], PN Review 31, 9:5 (May-Jun 1983), pp. 7-9.
89) ‘Anatomy of Scripture’ [Northrop Frye, The Great Code: The Bible and Literature], PN Review 30, 9:4 (Mar-Apr 1983), pp. 80-1.
90) ‘Theories and a Practice’ [Modern Literary Theory: A Comparative Introduction, Ann Jefferson and David Robey (eds); Catherine Belsey, Critical Practice], PN Review 30, 9:4 (Mar-Apr 1983), pp. 79-80.
91) ‘The Voices of History’ [Stan Smith, Inviolable Voice: History and Twentieth-Century Poetry], PN Review 30, 9:4 (Mar-Apr 1983), p. 79.
92) ‘Reading and Violence’ [Bernard Sharratt, Reading Relations: Structures of Literary Production], PN Review 29, 9:3 (Jan-Feb 1983), pp. 55-6.

93) 'Energy Discharge' [Charles Olson and Robert Creeley, The Complete Correspondence Volume 3, George F. Butterick (ed.)], PN Review 29, 9:3 (Jan-Feb 1983), p. 52.

94) 'Elusive Epics' [Isidore Okpewho, The Epic in Africa: Towards a Poetics of the Oral Performance; Mazisi Kunene, Emperor Shaka the Great: A Zulu Epic], PN Review 29, 9:3 (Jan-Feb 1983), p. 51.
95) ‘Voluble Voyager’ [Derek Walcott, The Fortunate Traveller], PN Review 28, 9:2 (Nov-Dec 1982), pp. 73-4.
96) ‘Great Father, Lost Son’ [Justin Kaplan, Walt Whitman: A Life; Betsy Erkkila, Walt Whitman among the French: Poet and Myth; Jay Parini, Theodore Roethke: An American Romantic], PN Review 28, 9:2 (Nov-Dec 1982), pp. 62-3.
97) ‘Poetic Poise, Critical Chaos’ [G. S. Fraser, Poems; A Short History of English Poetry], PN Review 26, 6:6 (Jul-Aug 1982), pp. 61-2.

98) 'Englishman's Avant-Garde' [Christopher Butler, After the Wake: An Essay on the Contemporary Avant-Garde] PN Review 26, 6:6 (Jul-Aug 1982), pp. 54-5.

99) ‘American Poetries’ [Jerome Mazzaro, Postmodern American Poetry; Charles Molesworth, The Fierce Embrace: A Study of Contemporary American Poetry], PN Review 24, 8:4 (Mar-Apr 1982), p. 58.

100) Pop Art Poetics’ [Donald Wesling, The Chances of Rhyme: Device and Modernity], PN Review 24, 8:4 (Mar-Apr 1982), p. 56.
101) ‘Late Challenges [F. R. Leavis, ‘Reading Out Poetry’ and ‘Eugenio Montale: A Tribute’], PN Review 24, 8:4 (Mar-Apr 1982), p. 54.
102) ‘David Jones at the Tate’ [Exhibition, Tate Gallery 22 Jul-6 Sep 1981], PN Review 23,8:3 (Jan-Feb 1982), pp. 62-3.
103) ‘RK, OK’ [Richard Kostelanetz, ‘The End’ Essentials/Appendix], PN Review 21, 8:1 (Sep-Oct 1981), p. 53.
104) ‘The Rise of Homo Legens’ [E. S. Shaffer (ed.), Comparative Criticism: A Yearbook, vol. 2], PN Review 21, 8:1 (Sep-Oct 1981), pp. 52-3.
105) ‘Minor Monster’ [Geoffrey H. Hartman, Criticism in the Wilderness: The Study of Literature Today], PN Review 20, 7:6 (Jul-Aug 1981), p. 55.



Nicolas Tredell has conducted a total of 25 interviews with leading literary figures. 22 of these are collected in the two editions of Conversations with Critics (1994; 2015) - see "Books Edited".

Uncollected interviews below:

1) 'Michael Schmidt in Conversation', The North 20 (1997), pp. 16-20. 

2) 'Brian Cox at Seventy', PN Review 128, 25:6 (Jul-Aug 1999).  

3) 'Multitudinous Megafictions: An Interview with Steven Moore', The VP Annual 2016 (Great Britain &        Singapore: Verbivoracious Press, 2016), pp. 20-45. 


1) 'Writers at PEN: Lessing and Oz', PN Review 59, 14:5 (1987), pp. 7-8.

2) 'Greene's Afterlife', PN Review 86, 18:6 (Jul-Aug 1992), pp. 5-7.

3) 'Speaking of Drama: Pen International Writers Day, 27 Mar 1993' [Arthur Miller,

    Sir Peter Hall], PN Review 92, 19:6 (Jul-Aug 1993), pp. 5-7.


 Editorial, Annotated Bibliography, Introduction

 1) Editorial, PN Review 48: A New Orthodoxy? 12:4 (1985), pp. 3-5.

 2) Annotated Bibliography, PN Review 48: A New Orthodoxy?, 12:4, pp. 62-71.

 3) Introduction, Mas'ud Zavarzadeh, 'Teresa Ebert Have You Been to the

     MLA Lately?', PN Review  61, 14:5 (1987), p. 69.


1) 'Always Historicize!': Fredric Jameson (1934-2024), PN Review 280, 51:1 (Nov-Dec 2024).

2)'All his Women Friends and Mistresses: Philippe Sollers, PN Review 271, 49:5 (May-Jun 2023), p. 3.

3) 'Fruitful Errata: George Steiner', PN Review 252, 46:4 (Mar-Apr 2020), p. 4.  

4) 'Todorov Our Contemporary', PN Review 235, 43:5 (May-June 2017), p. 13.

5) 'Bernard Bergonzi (1929-2016)', PN Review 232, 43:2 (Nov-Dec 2016), pp. 5-6.

6) The Double Man: Karl Miller', PN Review 221, 12:3 (Jan-Feb 1986), p. 2.

7) ‘A Search for Order: Richard Hoggart', PN Review 218, 40:6 (Jul-Aug 2014), pp. 6-7.

8) 'Christine Brooke-Rose', The Independent (27 Mar 2012), p. 49.

9) 'Hugh Kenner', The Independent (27 Nov 2003), p. 66.10)

10) 'Jean-François Lyotard', PN Review 123, 25:1 (Sep-Oct 1998), p. 7.

11) 'Boris Ford', PN Review 123, 25:1 (Sep-Oct 1998), p. 8.

12) 'Sir Isaiah Berlin', PN Review 121, 24:5 (May-Jun 1998), pp. 8-9.

13) 'Practically Everything: William Burroughs 1914-1997', PN Review 119, 24:3 (Jan-Feb 1988), 1997), pp. 9-11.

14). 'Jean Genet', PN Review 51, 13:1 (Sep-Oct 1986). pp. 8-9.

15). 'Simone de Beauvoir', PN Review 51, 13:1 (Sep-Oct 1986), pp. 7-8.

16) 'Conrad Detrez', PN Review 47, 25:1 (Jan-Feb 1986), p. 2.
17) 'François Truffaut', PN Review 43, 11:5 (May-Jum 1985), p. 2.17)

18) 'G. Wilson Knight', PN Review 47, 12:3 (Jan-Feb 1986), p. 2.18)

19) 'Michel Foucault', PN Review 41, 11.3 (Jan-Feb 1985), p. 2.


1) 'Crisis in English Studies', Times Higher Education Supplement (25 Feb 1983).
2) 'A New Mimesis', Times Literary Supplement (8 Jun 1984).
3) 'The Politicization of English', PN Review 40, 11:2 (Nov-Dec 1984).

4) 'A New Genre', PN Review 41, 11:3, p. 5.

5) 'PNR and Feminism', PN Review 52, 13:2 (Nov-Dec 1986).

6) 'Georg Lukács', PN Review 57, 14:1 (Sep-Oct 1987). 

7) 'Why, of course!' (as P. Warlock-Williams), PN Review 91, 19:5 (May-Jun 1993).

8) External link opens in new tab or window'Grizzled Veterans', London Review of Books, 18:6 (21 Mar 1996).

9) External link opens in new tab or window'Raymond Williams', London Review of Books, 18:16 (22 Aug 1996).